American Economy Verses Other Countries

The American economy could take some lessons from the country of Germany. They have solid bands and their people work for a living.
America has become poor in a few short years. Look at some facts. We are based on a buy this economy and only export a small amount. We have a goods and services economy, People cannot live on minimum wage. People here illegally and some citizens throw trash all along the highways because they could care less. This causes the land to be dangerous for humans and wild life.

If you live on land near many trees and dry ground, just tossing out a cigarette and injure or cause many deaths. Fires are fueled by Oxygen in the air we breath, or by fuel such as wood from trees.

If a fireman or woman is out fighting another fire, guess what? They probably cannot stop your home from burning up with all your stuff you collected over many years. Hope you have home insurance, but lives cannot be replaced.

The German people make the best cars and goods. I speak from experience. It takes hard work and a great mind to make a car so precise as a Mercedes-Benz.

America is not China where people work themselves to death and many deny there is a G-d or Jesus. Their children are raised this way. Their children and elders are very important but so are girlfriends in addition to a wife. Why? Many Chinese women do not want marriage for this reason. Who wants to share when there are so many diseases out there?

Main stream media in America is run by giant companies who want you to keep buying and buying when most Americans are in such debt they may not live to pay all of it off.

Being wealthy is not about who has the most toys or gold in this life. Hand your children things they never worked for and see if they will take care of them. They will not and will expect free. Free is for me. Wrong.

China has an unstable economy. America is living a lie when our leaders say we are not in a War. Wars are expensive.
Media is so negative they are not believable.
Early American took off booze adds and cigarette adds for a reason. Innocent children live what their parents teach them.
My Father never bought booze in front of me. He was wise and knew how men can be. Drinking and smoking are not manly, they are harmful.
Do you want your daughter buying booze for her soon to be boyfriends? Your example, your blood kin.

Some politicians will say anything to get back in office. Power hungry and wealthy humans do not help poor Countrymen. They hire security to protect themselves.

If a President is going for a second term and gets back in, he can do just about anything because he or she knows they cannot be re-elected. President Obama has helped only with his health care bill and allowing a few of the illegals here stay.

Slavery is illegal in America but it goes on daily.
Family is to help family. Blood is thicker than water. Do what is right for your Country or you may become just like some others you cannot stand.
Taxes are not something to cheat with. They are to pay for firemen, police, teachers and so on. Put politicians on minimum wage and see how long they last.
America, please grow up, you are too childish and emotional for my taste.
Maybe because my Father had some ancestors from Germany.
We inherit land for our children so take care of it. Clean water does not mean plastic filled.