Can You Ever Be Big Enough to Blog About Anything You Want? Read More: Can You Ever Be Big Enough to Blog About Anything You Want? Http://inklingmedia.Net/2012/06/29/can-you-ever-be-big-enough-to-blog-about-anything-you-want/#ixzz207dJFEwg Under Creativ

Today's guest post is from Shakirah Dawud.

"Let's talk about something else."

In the year and a half I've been blogging, I've seen no less than 10 different blogs change direction. They found their true voices. Kudos. They realized their businesses were going in one direction and their blog another. Laudable. They were sick of blogging about one topic and wanted a change. Fine.

But what about when we've become old men on the hill?

But what happens when we build enormous communities? Our names become famous in business and social media because we offer useful advice, revolutionary thoughts, and strong opinions about certain aspects of the world around us.

And then Something Big happens, and we speak to it on the blog. We confess to our readers that we're bare humans, without the trappings of wisdom or professionalism. We become more ourselves. And we like it. So do our readers.

Can we like it too much?

It's a slippery slope, baring one's soul. Everything afterward seems trivial. It gets harder and harder to avoid playing Truth or Dare with ourselves every now and again.

It also becomes addicting: the rush and catharsis of revealing ourselves calls to us just as often as the sage business advice and expert opinions on the direction of the industry.

We've formed practically an entirely new brand: it centers more tightly around the unique workings of our brains regarding the world at large, backed by the authority we've gained from our work in our main platform.

People love authenticity, honesty, and passion-and we're starved for it in the business sphere. So our readers often welcome our emotions, confessions, and even our tantrums.

What are we building?

We didn't have to do this. Our businesses are already booming, our networks spreading dense and diverse. We've garnered respect-even awards.

So why do many of us feel duty-bound to share so many of our rambling thoughts, chaotic feelings, and ranty frustrations with so many who can never possibly know us-on top of that?