Female Gender

Well today I am am standing at work as I do sometimes and two women I work with both have different personalities talk to me today. I just found this very odd since neither one of them ever talks to me on any regular basis which is the normal attitude they have towards me as I only see them at my work place usually a few days a week. It makes me question one of the biggest puzzling question of life which what makes a female mind tick and why are they so different from me? I know that it is in part body genetics and phyical form that is just a small part of the differences that are part of being human on this planet earth sinceall creation by God of humans. Still I find that I dig deeper into the female mind only to find more mystery to add to the growing puzzle and large amount of questions I have no answers to even at my being a middle age man. I used to think I understand the female gender to a good functioning degree but as I have aged to where I am now I am more sure that I know not more than when I did being age twenty. I realize that God makes everyone and everything uniquely different on this planet for a really important purpose. This purpose is pretty complex to understand even at the genius level of which some people are on this planet earth it still lacks in total knowledge the complexity of the female gender. Yes, some things are easy to understand from a male point of view if you have the intelligence to be able to process the information and study female subjects. The greater puzzle is that most females think the same when you push them they always react in the same knee jerk negative response in general with a few exceptions about life issues or anything else included. The bigger parts of the puzzle maybe I will never get to understand why all women will go after a man with money and good looks even if he a real scumbag and abusive to her. Then ignore other man that she knows in her life is good caracter but is poor financially poor and has not the good looks but really cares a lot about her. I have seen many of my male friends treated this way by women who would some admit doing this because it is a biological response to what they see and not to real feeling involved. I just have to ask the question about the female gender is are all women going to be this way a time goes on? The answer is Yes, Unfortunately the problem is only going to stay the same or grow worse with most women basing their lives on the total sum of material comfort. This is allready happening in this decade with more women being given power over men which is very dangerous conquences attached to this for the total future of the human race. I remember a Bible quote that states that women are to be subservent to men all their lives which is the right way for this world to be doing things. The overall problem is that in my life time I see more women are being given power of a master of men and that is totally wrong to do which makes the new generations and ones currently living really messed up people. You only have to look at the statistics to see how bad life on this planet is becoming because of more women on this planet being given unbrideled master powers over the male gender. I do love women (female gender) but if we are going to solve human kind problems on this planet I think that the female mind and gender by deliberate intelligent design by God lacks certian capacity that men are gifted with on this planet. I know that many will disagree with me but bear in mind I have four decades of study and research to prove my what I am sharing here is totally true. The Bible ecompletely states the difference in both genders and why certian reasons that God created man and woman different in every way. So I just wanted to dive into this issue since it really is made a big issue today for me and it allways is a interesting issue to me since the beginning of my life.