Four Beautiful Eye Resolutions for 2014

When you think of New Year's resolutions, you may not be thinking about things like better eye care, but I am. (This seems to be a theme for this year for me-- better health!) A recent trip to the DMV, which required a photo (urgh!) let me see a few things I had not noticed before. Just for some background, I have small to medium hazel eyes that have an almond shape. I have pretty good eyesight but the skin around my eyes is beginning to tell everyone my age. Tiny crow's feet have appeared and I am finding that I spend a lot of time concealing uneven skin tone under my eyes. I'm a wreck!

Related: Eye Brightening Tricks

I don't want to be 20-something again--I'm loving life beyond those years but I am not ready to look like my Mom yet. (Sorry, Mom.) I've come up with a four point plan for beautiful eyes in 2014.

I'm finally ditching the black eyeliner. (I know, what took you so long?) As I've gotten older, I find that my favorite liner color is really unforgiving. I'm swapping it in for some blues, greens and purples. I'll miss you black eyeliner but I need to soften my eye look. I'll never be Amy Winehouse.

Related: Best Ways to Wear Black Eyeliner

I'm drinking more water. It's no secret here but I spend most mornings and afternoons with a cup of coffee clutched in my hands. Could this be a contributing factor towards my eye puffiness? According to Columbia University, the answer is yes! (This makes me very sad.) However, I am committed to better eyes in 2014--so it's more water and less coffee.

Related: Lemon Water Beauty Secrets

I'm investing in new makeup brushes and makeup. Like any self-respecting beauty fan, I've got a collection of brushes already but I'm cutting some of those from the team. No more rough synthetic hair brushes for my eyes--I'm going au naturale. (I'm sure that's spelled wrong.) Softer, natural brush hairs do less damage so I'm making the switch. As far as makeup goes, 2014 will be totally mineral makeup. This will be a big jump for me, but I think I'll get a softer eye makeup look and a softer look overall.

I will wear eye cream every day. This is my mantra for 2014. No more jumping out of bed and slapping on the mascara. I need eye cream every day--twice a day! I will fight the signs of aging.

Now the question is which eye cream should I choose? What do you recommend? I've got a few in mind but I want to hear what's working for the 30 plus crowd. I'm ready to get started.. the New Year is just around the corner!

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