Getting in Touch with My Inner Erma

It is so hard as a writer to find your niche. I seriously think you could spend a lifetime and not know what exactly it is unless you are shown how to find it. After taking numerous classes and reading many articles on the process of finding your niche, I think I've finally found mine. I knew it couldn't be just blog posting and photography. There had to be another special genre that I was missing.

I found out not too long ago that my grandmother had told my mother that she thought I would be the next Erma Bombeck. I guess as a child, I must have made some dry, witty, or sarcastic comment that lead her to this conclusion. Wonder why she would think that? So I decided to investigate. I, personally, have never read any of Erma's books. She apparently passed away in 1996 at the age of 69. Erma, why didn't you live longer so you could give me some pointers?

Money is very tight in this household right now so running to a chain bookstore with my 1979 Plymouth Volare is not an option. I need my gas for better things and I don't have the money to pay full price. Plus is my car gonna get me back home? That is always the guessing game with this vehicle. Anyway, I found a store right in town that sells used books for a super duper good price and they accept trade-ins! So I took a pile of books in, and came out of there with two Erma books for the price of one. So far from what I've read, I see the resemblance.

Now I know that I need to write from experience. Why waste my time writing on subjects I have no interest in at all. It is time to get in touch with my inner Erma. Let the inspiring begin.