God Bless a Full Half of America. To the Bones with the Rest

Hello, you're all probably wondering why the king of the internet has decided to rear his furry head once again.
i have been scanning the internet, gazing upon its varied surfaces for any form of injustices.
then i found this.
this.....insult...this....atrocity....this....wonderful exercise in blunt, cold, ruthless-kill-or-be-killed-honesty.
i refer to none other than the calamitous descent of our dearly beloved former presidential candidate, mitt romney (AKA Dogcarmanrepublican)
i saw this,,,,video, on youtube.
Then an article.
Then another article.
Then i soon realized i had found a gem among internet finds, i had found a viral political gaffe.
as soon as i came to terms with this i studied this newfound outrage, and found our pride filled candidate to be wanting in his humanity, his hopes and dreams seemingly borne of naught but luciferous avarice.
the comedy was enough to make me reel, not since harold camping's rapture was a mistake this leviathanized made. indeed, i fear none can top camping on terms of sheer unrivaled audacity.
but romney came lethally close, and now i fear his time may come to an end for it.
romney is what i like to consider being amid the practical family of american archetypes.
the practicals exist only for effort, hard work, and yes, even god.
they eat, sleep, breathe and drink effort, and while all this is well and good they have but one critical flaw, one that sets them apart from the paths of leaders and artists.
they openly shun anything that has no use to them or theirs.
and so romney, in traditionally practical fashion, has shunned the very people he is panhandling his votes from, for what is the presidential election if not for the ultimate in popularity contests? with the leadership of one of the most powerful, influential countries on the planet as the prize who couldn't resist acting the false savior?
nay, his greatest flaw has undone him, his future is grim, and even i am utterly stunned by his stupidity.
for he has done what bill clinton was impeached for. (no not the affair, but what it represents)
He lied.
this man, for all intents and purposes, flat out lied to the american people, claiming to be there for them, claiming to want to help them, only to spit on a full half of them (or 47 percent if you prefer) in the privacy of his fundraising event.
and what glorious irony that the grandson of jimmy carter, whom this same tragic hypocrite has hated for a while now, would be the one to capture the offending footage?
i stand as a nuetral irony to the american people, but i ask you, all of you.
mitt romney just lied to your faces, spat on your good names and hard efforts,
Is this the man you want nuking your arabs?