She's Not Over Him: How to Spot the Warning Signs

There's Too Much Fiona Apple on Her Ipod

Pay attention to the lyrics of your girl's music selections. Women tend to speak through their music more than men. Sometimes that's their way of handling the emotions they can't seem to vocalize. This is excellent if she's just downloaded the new Colbie Callat but consider it a warning sign if her music is heavy handed in the broken heart department. Even the angrier toned Pink albums can be a sign she's still working through some relationship issues. If she goes old school and breaks out Alanis Morrisette, put yourself on red alert.

Related:Is She Losing Interest In You?

Friends with Benefits

When you break up with someone, you inadvertently end up breaking up with their friends as well. This isn't always the case but most of the time it's too difficult for the friends in the middle to balance between the two sides so lines inevitably end up being drawn. It could be a warning sign she isn't over her ex if she spends a lot of energy staying in touch with the people closest to him. The key players to watch out for are his best friend, brother or sister or even his new girlfriend. A scorned woman will try anything to stay attached to her lost love.