Shine Beauty Panel

"The taste of her Cherry Chapstick…"
You know what I'm talking about. Maybe you haven't kissed a girl, but I bet you have tasted the sweetness that is Chapstick's Cherry goodness. Not only does it soothe and calm chapped lips, but it also comes with a myriad of unknown tricks up it's jaunty plastic sleeve.
If you're like me, you try to be good to your skin. No harsh soaps, no drying agents…but sometimes your skin just isn't that into you. Or your feelings. No matter how nice I am, I get minute flaky patches peppered all over my face. Exfoliating will only make the problem worse, and if I use moisturizer one of two things can happen: my VERY sensitive skin will erupt in itchy red blotches or someone will have to call the Environmental Protection Agency to clean up the oil spill across my cheeks.
The answer: using your finger, swipe a bit of Chapstick across the offending patches, repeating as needed. It's gentle enough that it doesn't cause me to break out and within the next day or so, the dryness is gone.
Cheeks looking a bit dull? Go ahead and swipe a bit of Cherry across them. Not too much! You're not a Las Vegas showgirl. You can use it on your eyes, too. I wouldn't use it on more than one area, though. You don't want to look wet, just dewy.
Spit ends can be made to look healthier until your next trim by rubbing a small amount onto them, going with the hair and not against it. Help your lipstick last longer and shine brighter by finishing it with a light coating of Chapstick.
I never go anywhere without my Chapstick. I might forget my credit card and my social security number, but I'll be darned if I leave the house without that little red tube. Now if they could only make one that fit into the pocket of my skinny jeans…