Shine's Top Users of 2009

Wow, 2009 has been a great year for Shine users! Let's celebrate by toasting a few of your many accomplishments:

  • You provided feedback and useful information on a range of topics from cheating to drugstore shampoos. Thanks to your participation, daily comments were 3 times higher than when Shine launched.

  • Twenty of our most talented users wrote winning entries to become Shine Beauty Gurus, who now provide honest beauty advice on all the latest products for the entire Shine community.

  • Five enthusiastic users - dolphin, IRISH, NO NAME, River, Jules (jellybean), and Jules' husband - took our virtual community one step further and organized the first ever Shine "Gathering" in South Dakota. Their meeting was a ground-breaking moment Shine history.

A huge thank you to everyone who has made Shine a part of your daily routine. Whether making a connection through an informative blog, a helpful comment, a birthday wish, or a simple hello, you've made a lasting impact on each other and helped make our community a success! I especially want to thank those users I affectionately refer to as our Shine "leaders". Thank you for positive influence and for always encouraging us to be good Shine citizens. We're all better people because of you.

In closing, I want to recognize some of our top contributors for 2009. These bloggers have become synonymous with their favorite category and are regularly featured on Shine.

Who is your favorite blogger of 2009?

Great job, everyone!

Manage Your Life: Gretchen Rubin, Jessica, Laurie PK

Fashion + Beauty: MJ Fierce Beauty and Fashion, Michelle @ Fierce Glamour Blog, Carol B

Healthy Living: Brett Blumenthal - Sheer Balance, Dr. Ayala

: Manic Motherhood, Apple

Love + Sex:, urassismine2,, Nicole Milano

Food: Chef Rob Endelman, Peggycat MacO'Hoolihan, Treasures by Brenda, chiknpastry, justokay