Stop Calling Him Honey and Start Having Sex

Maggie Arana

is a realtor and journalist. She has written for various Los Angeles-based publications including Music Connection, the now-defunct BAM Magazine, and the AAA travel magazine, Westways. Julienne Davis is an international model and actress. She began her acting career after landing the role of Mandy Curran in Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, which gave way to her continued success in film and music. It's the everyday things we say and do that sabotage our sexual chemistry, and calling him sweet, androgynous words like "honey" is only the beginning. Stop Calling Him Honey and Start Having Sex--a smart, sassy, and honest guide for women of all ages--looks at the root cause of sexual boredom in a revolutionary way. Authors Julienne Davis and Maggie Arana dare to pull back the sheets to examine the subtle yet powerful ways we're dulling our desire for each other and give readers tangible solutions to ultimately rekindle the fire in the relationship.

Bill Knaus, Ed.D., is a licensed psychologist in Massachusetts who was responsible for the development of a powerful personnel selection system that was associated with significant productivity gain. His specialties include the treatment of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse, frustration tolerance training, and overcoming procrastination. He has authored over twenty books, including five on overcoming procrastination. In Fearless Job Hunting, leading psychologists and business consultants show readers how to meet the challenge of finding the right job and overcome the anxiety inherent to the job hunting process using psychological strategies drawn from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

I am so happy to welcome back to my show Gregg Stebben from Mens Health Magazine to talk about what drives our hunger. We are hungry, therefore we eat. But WHY are we hungry? Could it be that when we DO eat...we're not eating the RIGHT FOODS to make us feel full? That's the question we ask in the story that begins on page 106 of the latest issue of MEN'S HEALTH called "HOW TO FIX YOUR HUNGRY GUT"...from drinking what before you eat to eating what can keep you full and nourish your body, this is an interview you won't want to miss!