The Demise of Marriage and what to do no Matter who you are...

Recently going through a divorce... I decided to move half way across the country. It sounds crazy but really I am sane.
I came out to the midwest a few months ago and realized that being a stay at home mom to me was a career. Not only did I feed my children, bathe my children and do homework, clean the house and live happily ever after for a bit. I did not work.
I chose not to work, I had the perfect marriage.We had our ups and downs, when things were up they were really up when they were down well you get the point.
The one thing I should have never done for more then 3 years was be a stay at home mom. Things started going wiry. I didn't get a job or find a career I thought I had one. No matter what happened I loved being mom.
The financial part is what went to crap. As soon as a divorce was decided upon. The details are unimportant. I moved out here. Thinking that because a few years ago I could not only get my own job back but it wouldn't be hard. Boy was I in for a rude awakening.
To top it off I did work seasonal out east whether it was for my dad in the hotel as Housekeeping Management, my own business, or Working for my husband's boss (also his cousin)
We lived in a small town, so jobs were hard to find. Out here it's so different there are so many oppurtunities without that reference. I got screwed. Literally.
So what have I learned.
That self sufficency is important you must have a job no matter how you feel about being a stay at home mom. I thought everything was finally looking up in our marriage. It wasn't it went downhill literally overnight.
Always have work. Because even if you are a stay at home mom you can still work, and having those references is so worth it.
Do not work for family members. It backfires. Quite literally I had a job by myself in the mall making 11.39 an hour. As soon as he got that reference from my ex boss ex cousin, I lost it.
Be on top, of everything, from finances, to your family issues, know when things are going bad and trust me sometimes you just don't know. And it sucks...
Getting on your feet is almost impossible at 26, being a stay at home mom for those past 6 years (I had rough pregnancies)
Always, have something, work wise because you never know. Just be prepared.
I have noticed alot of woman my age also don't have their licenses that is impertinent to have at least if you have that you have a chance of getting somewhere

Overall I do still have hope. I do still have something but my self confidence has def gone downhill.