The Truth About "Love" and "Being in Love" Cont.3

Untimely, this has taught me that the fight for a relationship starts the moment that it begins. How do you know when begins? When you both agree that you can see each other growing old or while "falling in love" When do you know that you are "falling in love"? I can almost assure you that it's within the first few dates. Even with my ex, I did not get the sense that I could see him in my life till old age. Yet, I was willing to try. The guy after him, I saw the life long vision, but he was too torn in life to see it too. The Third guy, well, I saw it, but we never talked about it. The guy after him, the one I am currently dating... yes, we both agreed on being able to see a life together till old age, at least. Thus, the subconscious fight to make it so begins. Because we both were "falling in love", there was no need to fight the currents. Yet, one does not feel the impact of the waves until one is "in love" completely. "Being in love" starts the moment u hit the water and recognize the waves and currents. In a moments notice one must be ready to swim or sink.

This fight that begins in the beginning of the relationship is not the fight to stay together. Many couples have bitterly stayed together. According to most of these couples, the reason is either because he/she "loves" him/ her or children. Very seldom do I hear the excuse of "being in love with him/ her". That, my dear, is what you are actually fighting for. The fight to stay "in love". Once you are "out of love" you will have to fight much harder. One may stay in love and the other out. Yet, you both need each other there to swim. It's like removing the lower half of the body. Yet, you need both half's to swim. You will love them and willing to fight, even after you said you wouldn't. The passion of "new love", and the opportunity to "be in love' again will only occur after a severe break up (split up of the body). That's when you realize just how thankful you were for the other person. Even then, it may not unfold to the happy ending of "in love" reconciliation. That can be emotionally challenging. This challenge would also have to be repeated several times in order to feel "new love" and "being in love" over again with the same person.

My concern with such a cycle would be that dealing with such an emotional challenge is like dropping something over and over again. You can pick it up each time, but it may develop a scratch here and there. One must also be mindful that there may come a time where the drop may be it's last. Thus, the relationship is broken. Either one of you, if not both, can no longer take the hardships of being repeatedly dropped. This is the curse of romance. Next-->