Updates during Summer 2009


Hehe this is a current picture of me! :]

I wonder if anyone even reads these, haha. Anyways, not something to dwell on. Right now
I'm listening to The Climb in one of my Youtube playlists. I added a few new videos on it too.
In case anyone wants to see, my Youtube channel is aeroloverr1987. Cool.

Wow. Summer is just summer. I didn't go anywhere special like most, and some people claim that
summer of 2009 was gonna be great, but not for me. Actually I met a lot of new people like Erin on Facebook or this kid named Matt at the Stratford Swim Club. Matt was annoying and skinny and a jerk
and looked like a baby. Show off too. Sorry about that, just had to get that off my chest, haha!

It's really late and I'm bored on my bro's laptop. Nothing much has really changed, except my dad's one year mark is almost here. RIP, daddy. I love you and will never stop
Most of my summer consisted of pleasure reading, friends, food, and sleeping in. Ah, wonderful isn't it? I finished my summer reading book, Antigone. I absolutely loathe that book. Turns out my brother is reading a book by the same author. I guess there is something to be said about a small school.

Speaking of which, I'm entering high school as a frosh, which the mere mention makes my stomach churn with anxiety. But I'm also excited. I can't wait to meet new people and gain experience and maybe find love. I never had a boyfriend, either. But seeing as how I'm only 13, it's okay. But I really do want to start. When is the right age really? Sometimes it's tiring to see 10 year olds with boys. Sigh.

I wonder how high school is going to work. I want to find friends since mine aren't really compatible with me. Correction: we're both not compatible together. I know that's sad to say about friends, but it's the truth. Or that's the way I feel, at least.

Anyways, I'm enjoying summer and being lazy. My first semester has a ton of hard classes, so I'm going to be buried in homework! Haha. I can't wait to turn 14 in September. Wow, I know I'm a youngie. I just made the cut.

Kay, well I gotta go do something productive. I will update soon, since this blog is pretty cool. And I think I'll restart about the first day of school. Wish me luck.

- Michelle