Vitamins for Energy in Women

Due to body structure and make-up, women have an increased risk of developing medical conditions such as heart disease and osteoporosis. Some of the symptoms of these diseases and conditions can be low energy, as well as general fatigue, and apathy or listlessness when it comes to everyday living. Thus, adding in nutrient-filled foodstuffs which contain minerals as well as vitamins into our daily meals, as well as vitamin supplements, can boost the chances of fighting off various disease, not to mention improve general levels of energy as well as activity. Also, ingesting the suggested daily amounts of each of the thirteen kinds of vitamins can go a long way in promoting healthy body functions on the whole. Specifically, the B-vitamin family helps in maintaining the health of the central nervous system, which helps to promote the metabolism and therefore, energy generally speaking.

Thiamin and Riboflavin

These two nutrients are also called vitamin B1 and vitamin B2, which are thiamin and riboflavin respectively, and which take care of the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, which in turn impact energy production. Vitamin B1 or thiamin is particularly important for the regulating of the adrenal gland so that the brain can manufacture the right amount of neurotransmitters, in order to maintain energy during daily activities. Additionally, B2 vitamin or riboflavin boosts the digestive process to similarly regulate the oxygenation of blood to various organs in the body, as well as produce energy.

What is the recommended dosage?

Furthermore, for women over the age of 19 it is recommended to ingest 1.1 milligrams each of these two vitamins per day.

Where can these nutrients be found?

The best sources of these vitamins are dairy or milk products, fortified whole-grains, as well as cereals, or, of course, a multivitamin supplement.

Pantothenic Acid, Niacin, and Pyridoxine

Niacin is also called vitamin B3, and it is a requisite for making energy and for the maintenance of proper oxidation of the blood. On the other hand, B5 vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid has an important role in regulating stress hormones in order not to run the risk of overproducing norepineprine, which at the outset triggers energy bursts but which are followed by fatigue. Pyridoxine, or B6 vitamin B6, on the other hand, is quite relevant for the metabolic process in the body as well as for turning the amino acid tryptophan to vitamin B3, in order for the body to take in the nutrient satisfactorily. In fact, the daily recommended intake of this vitamin for women over 19 years old is 14 milligrams, the dosage for vitamin B5 is 5 milligrams and for vitamin B6 it is 1.3 milligrams a day.

What are the natural sources of this vitamin?

These nutrients can be obtained from consuming chicken, green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach and fortified cereals or breads.

B Complex Vitamins

The additional B vitamins such as B12 or cobalamin, as well as folic acid or folate are in their own right relevant for energy production, as well as for preventing anemia and the protection of fetuses from birth defects in utero. Also part of this vitamin family are choline, biotin and inositol, which have the function of metabolizing foodstuffs for storing energy.

What are the nutrition sources?

Ingesting regular portions of fortified foods which include chicken, whole grains and vegetables may provide sufficient quantities of these nutrients. But using a daily vitamin B complex supplement which comprises a combination of all the B vitamins is also able to provide adequate energy for the functioning of the body. The daily consumption of B12 vitamin for women aged 19 and over is 2.4 micrograms, and 400 micrograms of folate.