WE are going to have a universal party --- to celebrate our beginning of HUMAN EVOLUTION , TO THE COMPLETION OUR FAMILY OF BEINGS that are humans, hosting ,part of the mind of our CREE-A-TOR . You might like this --- even if there can only be 1 one god , which is incorrect, there were several that were created .--- --- anyone And everyone will be able to create --- WE will all have the ability to create !!!!! god and I have some good news --We who have been going through ,were never intended to labor in any way , we were totally provided for . Fruit grows on trees for gods sake --you now use ten percent of your brain--when this is all complete you will be using 100 percent of your mind--now I am not a rocket scientist but---look at what you can do with 10 percent of only your brain---now add to that the mind of the creator--all working together at 100 percent-- it boggles the mind--our bodies are capable of anything and everything--they can produce medicine --they can heal their selves--they can grow new limbs --our bodies are amazing miracles -- they are also self contained units --we have extra parts that no one has a clue what those parts are doing in us ---do you think that those parts were a mistake-- well that has to do with evolution and evaluation does not make mistakes--now why --since our bodies are capable of all these things--that we cant do any of them ??? -- well its because our bodies are idiots--they are just bodies -- now when we are complete--our mind will communicate with the brain--the brain will communicate with the body --that is what the three the trinity is all about --it goes like this ---the father [ creator ] --the son [ brain ] --the holy ghost [ body -- host ] -- some thing like that -- I was trying to use your father,son,holy ghost thing so you can see alittle better how it really goes -- I will get it more exact as it comes -- so it will make perfect sense to you -- I still have this translation thing going on -- Well I am going to post this so you can start thinking about a couple of things and we will get back to it later --I hope this does what it should which is correct. ---- Thanks SHERYL AND GOD Correct definition of heaven is walking and talking with GOD -- What if the human race had their own story of god --- and what if the entire race was incorrect because way back in the times of lets say the romans and-- correct information was replaced with incorrect information?? How do you suppose the true and real and correct Creator might go about informing folks -- that He has a much better correct story [ real ] of his own??? -- oh and just so you know as far as holy wars go you have to stop -- let me show you ISRAEL --- [ IS REAL ] you have to stop --the promised land is under your feet -- if you dont know this then let me ask you this --where would you think it might be --- THE MOON -- for me to try to inform you that you are incorrect and heaven is here as well as GOD THE CREATOR of all creation --- I tell you its been a chore -- mostly because everyone is positive that the knowledge they have and are experts of said knowledge--is the way it is and there is no way any of you are wrong -- you are not wrong you happen to be incorrect -- the problem is all knowledge is actually correct -- but you have no understanding of any of that knowledge --- It is actually very simple to deal with but wading through all the bull s--- of each and every single person is ridiculous -- s--- -- its not my fault its not his doing -- all we are trying to do is help for gods sake --- well its kind of late -- so I will just ask this and hope like hell it all goes better than last time -- if you are being offered that which is of heaven and THE CREATOR [ god ]-- that which is your real,true inheritance -- which has been kept from you --- why would you not even check it out --- let alone the fact it will cost you nothing -- it wont hurt you -- you can take it or leave it -- pretty much -- all things wonderful -- with every one included -- from no time to this time-- ever -- anyway -- s--- IS what s--- IS -- it would be much better to get to the bottom of it -- with just alittle help -- THANK YOU SHERYL AND GOD[ CREATOR ]