5 Expert Tips for a Picture Perfect Back-to-School Photo

Nothing like picture day (stiff poses, bad haircuts, outfits you'd rather forget) to bring back awkward childhood memories.

Save your kid a lifetime of embarrassment with these back-to-school photo tips from expert kid-wrangler Sarah Wert of Modern Kids Photography.

1. Find great light.
Shoot in the morning before school. The light is bright, but also soft and flattering. If you're in full sun, look for a little shade to avoid harsh shadows and squinting. Banish the flash!


2. Keep it clean.
Scope out simple scenery like greenery, a brick wall, or a doorway. Have your subject stand a few feet in front of the backdrop and keep your focus point on his eyes. Feeling fancy? Drop the aperture down to 2.8 or lower to achieve a blurry background.

3. Stuff his face.
A kid with a full belly is more relaxed and will give you better smiles (and thus results), so build in a little time after breakfast for the shoot.

4. Mix it up.
Get a variety of shots. Go for close-ups and mid- and full-length snaps. You'll want to remember his expressions, not just his clothes.


5. Uncover real emotion.
Everyone can recall first-day-of-school butterflies, so don't force the smiles. Ask your kid how he is really feeling and snap away as he tells you. If you need a happy shot for Grammy, tell a funny story or encourage silly faces - sooner or later you'll get an authentic moment.

Toothless grin and all.

For more, check out modernkidsphoto.com.