Let Astrology Help You Get Your Kids Back to School Smoothly

Heading back to school can be a tricky transition for kids, with many having to deal with new friends, new teachers, and even new social dynamics. It's normal for your child to feel some anxiety about heading back to school, so based on your child's Sun sign qualities, here are some tips to help you support their transition!

Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
If your child is an Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, they are a Cardinal sign, which means they like to initiate change. Paint the back-to-school experience as an adventure full for new possibilities, and your child will likely start to get excited about heading back. Helping your child understand that onward and upward change is a normal part of life will make it easier for them to navigate any changes they may initially resist. You'll see new maturity emerging in your child as the school year begins.

Stock up on new sportswear for your Aries child; revamp an old favorite toy or piece of school equipment for your Cancer child; update hair and beauty accessories for your Libra child (think baseball caps for boys); discuss the upcoming school schedule with your Capricorn child to help get them excited about what the new year holds.

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Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
If your child is a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, they are a Fixed sign and, therefore, most resistant to change. Discuss any differences to their classroom, social dynamics, and learning experiences in advance -- these kids don't like to be caught by surprise! Wherever possible, explain why changes are occurring, since they'll appreciate any possible background information you can offer. These kids secretly want to impress, so support them by developing a sense of pride in the way they conduct themselves at school.

Discuss staying healthy with your Taurus child as you opt for nutritious, rather than popular, lunchbox treats; explain to your Leo child how to be a good leader; let your Scorpio child know it's perfectly acceptable to want to spend time alone; encourage your Aquarius child to take an interest in languages and other cultures to ramp them up for the school year ahead.

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Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
If your child is a Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, they are a Mutable sign and the most laid-back among all modes. Generally speaking, your child is happy-go-lucky and easily adapts to new situations; in fact, they often become bored with continuous routines. Plan to make changes to their school schedule regularly -- perhaps as often as once a month -- and they'll maintain their interest throughout the year. At first, your Mutable-sign child could be a little disorganized with back-to-school essentials, so be patient about reminding them where things are, as well as times, names, and other important details.

Consider including art and other creative options in your Gemini child's learning program; be patient as your perfectionist Virgo child tries to master new reading and writing skills; remind your Sagittarius child of the fun, social aspects of school-day lunchtimes; let your Pisces child know school can be the place for getting answers to the mysteries on their mind.

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