7 Simple Cures for Bad Breath: {Good to Know}

It happens to the best of us, the dreaded Bad Breath Blues when there's no mint in sight and you're not at home to do a quick brushing of the teeth. Maybe you had a tasty garlic dish for lunch or your mouth tastes funky after all that coffee you drank…whatever the reason, you want a quick fix.

Many Spices Are Known For Their Ability To Fight Bad Breath Effectively
Many Spices Are Known For Their Ability To Fight Bad Breath Effectively

You can remedy the problem with these simple, all-natural ingredients.

  • Anise seeds: Chew a couple after your meal, helps with digestion too.

  • Cardamom: Chew a couple seeds to freshen your mouth.

  • Cinnamon sticks: Break off a small chunk and chew, helps kill the bacteria in your mouth and freshen your breath.

  • Cloves: All you need is one! Has antibacterial properties that help get the job done.

  • Dill seeds: Chewing on a few of these will help mask the odor.

  • Fennel seeds: Pop a couple in your mouth and chew.

  • Parsley: (chew well) There's a reason why many restaurants add a sprig of fresh parsley for garnish



Lemon: In a pinch and you don't have any of the items listed above? Squeeze fresh lemon juice into a glass of water and sip, this will help freshen your breath. If you're dining out, request ice water with lemon wedges and sip after your meal.

Tip: Be prepared! If you work for a company that doesn't allow chewing gum, or you don't want to find yourself caught again without mints to save the day…several of the items above can be kept in a small sealed packet that will fit in your wallet (the spices will last for at least a year and a little goes a long way).

Many of these treatments have been mentioned previously in 23 Home Remedies From The Spice Rack.

If you suffer from chronic bad breath that isn't caused by smoking or diet choices, consult a doctor since you could be suffering from dental issues or another physical problem.