Mad, Hot, Bikini Bod! 4 moves to start now

This Memorial Day, somewhere between potato-salad refills and the BBQ grill, take a minute and check out these moves. When you hit the beach and drop the towel, you'll be happy you did.

Stomach, right? Butt? You got it. Thighs, bust, and arms, too. Jeanette Jenkins, creator of Bikini Bootcamp (check out the DVD), has devised a special Shine intensive to give your curves what they deserve. She's trained enough celebrities (Kendra Wilkinson, Holly Madison, Queen Latifah) to know what's got to be done, and how.

Try adding this sequence to your regular workout (or do it on its own) for one month. "If you're sore, that's great," says Jenkins, "It means you're getting results!"

Aww...don't we all need a little tough love?

The Bikini Blaster

This routine combines sculpting and cardio. Do each move at the recommended reps and proceed to the next. When you've finished all four, go back to the beginning. Try to complete the whole sequence three times. If you've 3-5 pound dumbbells, great-if not, don't bail! You can do the exercises without them. Here's Jeanette showing the routine:

Fab Ab Tuck

You basically go between 1) on your back, hands behind your head, legs extended-head and legs off the floor-and 2) a V where you're balancing on your butt, knees bent, holding your shins. Inhale when you lower, slowly resisting. Exhale to pull back up, squeezing your abs like crazy. If you want to make it harder, do this holding 3-5 pound weights.

Do 15 reps.

Arms and Cleavage Booster

Basically, you lower in a push-up. When you rise, you open out into a side plank. Do one to your right, then one to your left.

Do 5 to 8 on each side.

Tush Toner

This little devil gets you everywhere: butt, stomach, quads, and hamstrings. Start with your palms turned out, holding onto the dumbbells. Step back with the left leg to lower into a lunge; then, pushing off through that left heel, bring the left knee up in front of you as you simultaneously straighten the right leg and circle the arms overhead. As you lunge back again, lower the arms.

Do 15 reps on each leg.

The Pendulum

This total body cardio blast really works your thighs. You'll be hopping from one leg to the other as you swing from side to side to a count of three. Start by standing on the left leg with right leg extended to the side and your arms reaching to the right. With a hop onto your right leg, swing the other leg and arms to the left. Now back to the right. Go three times: Left, right, left. And when you land on the third, hold for 2 seconds, and then swing again. (Count 1, 2, 3 and hold.)

Do 16 times on each side.

After you finish, go back to the beginning and repeat the whole sequence twice. You might want to end with a nice hot bath.

Did the video help? What other kinds of workouts are you looking for?

For more fun bikini-body workouts:

Six tricks to double your calorie burn

Gwyneth Paltrow's Iron Girl Abs

Jennifer Aniston's legs

The Bad Girl's Workout

[photo credit: Getty Images/photodisc]

[video credit: Jeanette Jenkins]