Stop Obsessing Over The Sports Illustrated Bikini Cover And Get That Body Yourself!

By Laurel House

Yes, it's your favorite time of year again- "bikini season!" I know, that first day out of the gate, when you timidly strip off your clothes to expose your pasty skin, only covered by the strip of fabric known as a bikini (but is really just glorified and waterproof bra and panties) can be terrifying. Well, it will be slightly less terrifying if you follow a few bikini-prep steps, 21 to be exact.

Because she pretty much embodies bikini perfection, 2010 Sports Illustrated cover model Brooklyn Decker shared her 21 go-to moves to ExerciseTV to help us regular folks prime our physiques for beach season. But do they really work? Um, have you seen Brooklyn's body? So, ladies, the Bikini Revolution has started!

She says that "The best part about these 21 moves is that you can combine them to make a great workout that draws influences from everything from yoga to body sculpting. You can also take each daily move and incorporate it into your existing fitness program." She is also big into cardio and strength training, which you can see from her new ELLE Make Better Program and DVD Series.

More than exercise, Brooklyn believes that nutrition plays a major role in slimming down. "Nutrition is a HUGE factor in slimming down for summer. You can be working out and burning calories all day long, but if you are filling your body with junk, you won't see the results you want. The great thing about consistent exercise though, is that you get to have that occasional chocolate bar if you want…completely guilt-free!"

And because toned abs and trim thighs aren't the only aspects to getting bikini ready , Elle Magazine's beauty, nutrition, fashion editors contributed there two cents too…. Like:

- How to look good for a beach weekend when you're tied to your desk all week.

- How to remove chlorine and other damaging chemicals without stripping hair color.

- How to choose a flattering bikini that will minimize hips.

- How to make a smaller chest look more full in a bikini.

The concept is this: you've got 21 days to get your bum in beach sauntering shape. So, for the next 21 days you will visit ExerciseTV's website for the move and tip of the day. It's a lot less intimidating to just have to tackle one new thing each day than 21 all at once. Because, realistically, you can't and won't do it all in a day. Baby steps, sister! And since motivation can be hard to come by, there is also a community of like-minded bikini-prepping chickadees just like you (and me) where you can log in, ask questions, share accomplishments, or just gripe about your struggle to achieve beach godlessness like the likes of Brooklyn (who also happens to be tennis great Andy Roddick's wife).

If you prefer to follow along, you can do one of Elle Magazine's Make Better mini workouts like Bikini Boxing Sculpt Lower Body- boxing drills that tone your tush and sear off fat, or Venice Beach Skaters- a metabolism cranking move that ups calorie burn to the tenth degree!

*To find ExerciseTV, go to your On Demand menu and select the Fitness or Health category and find ExerciseTV located there. If you're not sure if you have ExerciseTV on demand, call your cable or television provider. ExerciseTV on demand is ALWAYS free!

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