Your fast track to bikini-body confidence!

No matter how fit (or not) you are, other people vibe off of your attitude as much as, if not more than, your appearance. When I discovered through a Women's Health survey of 3,500 women that only a measly 8 percent of respondents said they were proud of their bare bodies, I decided something had to be done. So I wrote Look Better Naked! The 6-Week Plan to Your Leanest, Hottest Body - Ever! The first step is giving yourself a mental makeover that will boost your body image. Here are four easy ways to start seeing yourself the way you want others to see you.

Fake It Till You Make It

When it comes to the image you project to others, "the way you use your body is far more important than what it looks like," says psychiatrist Paul Dobransky, M.D., founder of, a website devoted to relationships. The key is to project confidence. If you stand taller, pull your shoulders back, and stride across the room with purpose, it's unlikely anyone will be thinking, "Wow, she sure could stand to lose a few."

6 Everyday ways to improve your posture.

Pay a Compliment Forward

Women can be highly competitive about their bodies: After all, deep down we are flaunting our potential to nab a guy and keep the human race ticking along. ("May the wispiest waist win!") You could argue, then, that it's our role in the survival of the species to compare, contrast, and criticize - and as a result we're sometimes less than free with the flattery. So when a woman compliments another woman, her words can carry considerably more weight than a man's.

The point is, the more positive feedback you get from other females about your appearance, the more positive your body image will be. The best way to invite compliments? Offer them up yourself. No need to be disingenuous; I'm not suggesting you start passing out plaudits like Halloween candy. But go ahead and tell the woman ahead of you in line at Starbucks that you love her haircut. You'll feel good for making someone else feel good - and you'll create the kind of karma that will bring self-esteem-enhancing kudos your way.

How to handle women who do the opposite of complimenting you?

Say "Om"

Yoga can work wonders for improving body image. A 2005 study published in the Psychology of Women Quarterly, for example, found that women who did yoga were less likely to objectify their bodies and were more satisfied with their appearance than those who did only aerobics or who did no exercise at all. In addition, the women who did other forms of exercise (specifically, running and aerobics) were more likely to have the types of negative feelings about their bodies that are associated with conditions such as anorexia or bulimia.

Why does yoga have such a body-affirming effect? "Yoga means 'yoke together,' referring to mind, body, and spirit," explains Jan St. John, who has been a yoga instructor for more than 20 years. "Other fitness classes are externally directed, while a yoga class should be internally directed, with the teacher as a guide, rather than someone who's placing demands on her students. It's an hour that belongs to you, and it should be an opportunity not to judge your body but to appreciate it."

Reconnect with your body with a yoga style that suits you.

Dance, Dance, Dance

A dance class (or dance-inspired workout) can loosen you up and make you feel sexy, something that functional training - such as spinning or running - can't do. "Dancing is a liberator of all the things that hold us back," says Angel Williams, a fitness trainer and performer in Montclair, NJ, and that includes the negative feelings we have about our bodies. In a dance class, you have to face the mirror. Look for a class that allows you to move your body freely, such as hip-hop, belly dancing, jazz, or one of the many types of dance with Latin or African roots. The key is to give it time: "You're not going to connect on day one," says Williams. "You have to show up regularly and challenge yourself. If you commit to that, you'll begin to notice little things about your body, how it's changing and what it can do. You'll start to appreciate it more and more. Eventually, you'll be saying to yourself, 'Wow, my body was able to do this,' and you'll look at yourself differently." Even when you're naked.

How a big risk can bump up your body confidence.

The workout, the eating plan, and the secrets to get you there, all in one book. Buy Look Better Naked.

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