8 Essential Weight-Loss Tips for New Moms

Start following these now and you'll be well on your way to a healthier, trimmer you-from your baby's toddler to teen years … and beyond.

Healthful eating is important for everyone, but it's especially critical if you've just had a baby. Your body is recovering from childbirth and needs a steady supply of vitamins and minerals to heal. What's more, with a new baby in the house, you're undoubtedly fatigued, and you need healthful foods to refuel your body. And if you're breastfeeding, your baby is relying on you for crucial nutrients.The eating patterns you set in the first six months after having a baby can help you lay a foundation of healthful eating for the rest of your life.

1} Know your nutrient needs Check out our recommendations at FitPregnancy.com. Folate is important for future pregnancies; vitamin D and calcium are vital for bone health; iron will help with anemia; vitamin C is necessary for iron absorption; and protein is crucial for building and repairing your tissues. You need even more of these nutrients during lactation for milk production and because they leave your body with the milk.

2} Stock up on healthful fast foods Why? If they're around, you'll eat them! When you're tired, short on time and hungry, it's tempting to grab a bag of chips and a soda-if they're handy. Some suggestions: low-fat and fat-free yogurt; low-fat deli meats; low-fat or fat-free pudding made with milk or containing 30 percent calcium (especially good for quelling chocolate cravings!); part-skim cheese sticks; prepackaged sliced fruits and vegetables. With healthful foods readily accessible, you'll snack less on chips, candy or white-flour-based, highly processed munchies, such as cookies and cakes.

3} Eat often, eat enough Behan recommends three meals, plus two to three snacks per day. Between meals, "graze on fruits and vegetables and lean protein sources," says Doreen Chin Pratt, M.S., R.D., director of outpatient nutrition services at Women & Infants Hospital in Providence, R.I.

4} Pay attention to what your body says Ask yourself the following questions when you feel the urge to munch: Am I really hungry? If so, give yourself permission to eat. If not, are you just tired or bored? Rest, call a friend, take a walk, pick up a bestseller-just don't eat because you can't think of anything else to do. More questions on FitPregnancy.com

5} Be aware of portion sizes Americans have become accustomed to supersized portions of everything from salad to soda. "Portion sizes have gotten out of control," nutritionist Lovelady says, "and people feel cheated if they go out and get a [formerly] normal-size meal." Behan agrees. "It's not the occasional piece of chocolate that's going to keep you from losing weight," she says. "It's sitting down with the whole box and devouring it."

6} Load up on fluids and fiber Constipation is a common problem for many women post-delivery. To prevent it, drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluids a day, and even more if you find yourself feeling thirsty, especially if you're nursing. As for fiber sources: "The gold standard is fruit, veggies and whole grains, but sometimes that's not enough," midwife Schorn says. "If you're still having problems moving your bowels, try drinking lemonade or warm liquids such as herbal teas.

7} Avoid fad diets The problem with most diets is simple but vexing: They cut calories so drastically that as soon as you've lost the weight and resume your normal eating patterns, the weight comes back-and then some. Read More...

8} Go easy on yourself It can take a year or more to lose the pregnancy weight. "You need to think of pregnancy as an 18-month experience: nine months of gestation, nine months postpartum," Behan says. "This is a time when there's a lot happening-you're adjusting to your new life, your body is trying to replenish itself after pregnancy, you've gone through labor and delivery, and you may be breastfeeding. It's a lot to adjust to, so don't beat yourself up if you're not bouncing back as quickly as you'd like."