Daily Shot: Talking to Your Kids About Sandy Hook

In this special edition of Daily Shot, Ali and John address the Sandy Hook tragedy, discuss the book How to Say it to Your Kids When Bad Things Happen, and offer advice on how parents can discuss these events with their children.

Have you talked to your kids about the Sandy Hook tragedy? Let us know in the comments!

Three things to know: Start by asking your kids, "What do you know?" so you can avoid giving them too much information, maintain a calm demeanor and soothing tone, and know when to turn off the television or hide the newspaper. Ali also says it's important to connect with your community, find out how other parents are handling the situation, and be prepared for even more questions after school today and in the coming weeks as your kids inevitably are exposed to more information.

Related Links:
10 expert tips for talking to your kids about tragedy
Why I will NO(T be talking to my kids about Sandy Hook
20 simple ways to show your kids you love them
18 questions all parents secretly ask themselves
18 memories from childhood my kids won't have