Guy Loses Over 60 Pounds in Six Months and Has Rob Ford to Prove It

Matthew Wong just lost a lot of weight -- 62 pounds to be exact -- as evidenced by these awesome before and after shots he took with Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.


The 32-year-old went from 230 pounds to 168 pounds over the past six months, thanks to a better diet, more exercise, and most importantly, romance. Wong says it was an old girlfriend who gave him the much needed push to get his health in check.

"One day, as I was walking her home, she told me that she was worried that if I didn't get healthy she would outlive me," he tells the Good News Blog. "I knew that I had to make some changes, so I did."

To begin, Wong cut calories, the goal being to hit a deficit each day by burning more than he consumed. He ate a good amount of healthy foods, though the focus was more on numbers. Additionally, he began spending an hour at the gym every day, splitting the time between cardio and weights.

Gradually, the new routine became habit, and even when Wong's relationship ended, he stuck to the drill.

"I focused on myself and really committed to sticking with my routine and working out my frustration at the gym, it helped a lot," Wong notes. "I stayed sane and I didn't fall off the wagon. It would have completely broken my heart if I hadn't been doing all the cardio.

Physically and mentally, the weight loss improved his life.

Wong adds, "I feel way better now, I have more energy, and I sleep very soundly."

As for the most talked about mayor in the world, Ford came initially into play by chance, and later as a kind gesture. Wong posted the photos on Reddit this week to the delight of the community.

"The first time was a fluke, he was at a festival and I got my picture taken with him," Wong explains. "Jokingly, a friend suggested I get an after picture with him. So, I emailed the Mayor. His Chief of Staff set up the meeting. It was great, I'm very thankful that Rob Ford took the time to see me."

So is the Internet.

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