15 Fun Ways to Use Our Favorite Chili Sauce

Sriracha sauce, a blend of red chiles, garlic, sugar, salt, and vinegar is named after the seaside town of Sriracha (SIR-rotch-ah), Thailand, where a thicker version is often served with freshly caught seafood. The sauce's popularity has soared in the United States recently -- Sriracha has officially made the jump from the condiment caddy at Asian restaurants to home-kitchen counters to the menus of major fast food restaurants. Needless to say, it's definitely worth investing a few bucks in a bottle of this stuff. Read on for 15 great uses for Sriracha sauce... And that's just a starting point! Add your own ideas in the comments.

1. Use it to whip up our staff's favorite cold remedy this winter: Slices of ginger, squeeze of lemon juice, a squirt or two of Sriracha hot sauce, and very hot water. It was like drinking a spicy Thai broth. Lemon provides the vital cold-fighting vitamin C and is known to soothe sore throats as is ginger, which also can reduce sinus pain. The capsicum in the hot sauce helps fight the infection.

2. Swap it in for the regular hot sauce in a Bloody Mary.

3. Try it in some healthy, slightly-spicy turkey meatballs.

4. Whisk it into a citrusy dressing for an Asian-inspired salad.

5. Mix it into mayo for a french-fry (or roast potato wedges) dipping sauce.

6. Make it your new secret ingredient in a homemade marinara sauce.

7. Toss some with roasted sweet potato.

8. Use a squirt or two to turn a regular barbecue sauce into a spicy one.

9. Whip it into room-temperature butter and spread on corn on the cob.

10. Squeeze it on mac and cheese.

11. Mix with honey for a two-ingredient sweet-and-spicy shrimp glaze.

12. Squirt it on a formerly-boring slice of cheese pizza.

13. Start a foreign exchange program with Sriracha Chilaquiles (from The Sriracha Cookbook - yep, it exists!)

14. You say you like spicy-sweet? Why not try some Peanut Butter Sriracha Cookies?

15. Stir into hummus and serve with pita wedges and celery.

Now when you reach the bottom of the bottle at least you can't say we didn't warn you!

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