On Trend: Strong Shoulders

How to wear shoulder pads and get the look, not the bulk

Let's face it, a broader shoulder makes your hips look smaller and what's not to love about that?

What's modern about the bold shoulder is that they don't always have a bulky 'set in' shoulder pad, like their 80's counterpart.

There's more of a peaked rise to the tip (thank you Balenciaga for never letting this styling trick take a nap) or have a sharp, clean edge rather the bulk of the Dynasty TV show era.

Sometimes, there's not even a shoulder pad at all.

Look for shoulder embellishments like ruching and ruffles or just a few simple tucks to create the illusion of fullness, rather than the physical shoulder pad itself.

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The trick to wear the new shoulder pads and shoulder details without looking out of proportion is to stay in balance with your frame. Let the styling of the width of the garment's shoulder line be in sync with your bone structure. Avoid any look that creates a top heavy, linebacker feel and keep it more of a clean architectural detail. ... Read More