Laptop-worthy fall bags under $200

Berry smart, very affordable, Target, $35-

You know those ladies who will drop $1500 on a bag? I'm not one of them. I'm also not the kind of person who can walk around holding something worth my monthly mortgage without, you know, fainting or stuttering or sweating myself into a neurotic corner.

No, I'm a basic bag kind of lady, and mine has to be roomy enough to carry my ever-present laptop. I realize that makes me unsophisticated in some circles, but somehow I've never really been able to shake the feeling that a good bag--a really decent, get-around-town-with-your-laptop-and-shoulder-intact kind of thing should cost under $100. When I'm feeling particularly lush, I'll up that to $200, but only if I can see us together for at least a few years to come. Here are my favoritesthis season--each of which can hold a 14"x 10" MacBook Pro.