3 Quick Ways to Look More Put Together

By Pia Bhattacharya,SELF magazine

We all have them--little tweaks, touch ups and tricks we do right before meeting someone to make sure we look and feel our best. If you've ever used your cell phone as a mirror or checked your teeth in a store window, you are not alone. Here are some fun (and a bit wacky) things we women do to put our best face forward.

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"Before an interview or a meeting, I almost unconsciously re-adjust my whole outfit. I tug at my collar, pull at my jacket, smooth out any wrinkles. I always have a mini-brush on me and comb through my hair super fast in the elevator. Even if it's not actually making a huge difference I feel better knowing everything is in place." - Katrina, 23.

Simple adjustments can make you feel more confident, but you'll feel better if you have less to fix. Opt for a hassle-free look for an interview. A loose bun or chignon is sophisticated and chic - and you won't have to worry about messy hair, which can ruin even the most pulled-together look.

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"I live in fear of getting lipgloss on my teeth. The weirdest thing I've ever done is stick my napkin in my water and do a rub down over them. The waiters thought I was weird, but I felt better knowing I had a clean smile." - Jenna, 29.

Try carrying something pocket sized, like Colgate Wisps, (around $3) , and rub them over your teeth when you get a moment. You don't need to rinse and you'll freshen your breath while getting rid of any stains. They're super tiny and less noticeable than a napkin!

"Right before I meet my date, I do a once over. If I can't dig out a mirror, I try to catch my reflection in almost anything... a spoon, a window - I've even snapped a quick photo on my cell to make sure I'm good to go."- Stephanie, 26.

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The cell phone is a good trick, but who wants to get caught camera in hand? If you can't grab a mirror, smudge your lips together to make sure your gloss is even, smooth those brows into place and most of all, smile big! A little confidence goes a long way.

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