Antiperspirant does not increase breast cancer risk


Unfortunately in this world, many things we enjoy or need to use come with potential health risks. Experts often debate the dangers of certain chemicals used in beauty products, but as consumers (and perhaps beauty junkies) being force-fed loads of conflicting information, it's hard to decipher fact from fiction. For example, many women have sworn off using antiperspirant altogether (preferring gentle deodorants), claiming it can cause cancer. Well, the smart ladies over at Beauty Brains have done some investigating and found that many of these scary antiperspirant claims are total rubbish. In fact, the American Cancer Society no longer wants these rumors running rampant, and they're setting the record straight.

These are five statements about antiperspirant. Read them all and then guess which ones are true:

  1. Antiperspirants increase our risk of developing breast cancer.

  2. Applying antiperspirant immediately after shaving allows chemicals to more easily enter the body from the armpit area and increases the risk of breast cancer.

  3. Parabens in antiperspirants cause disease.

  4. Antiperspirants prevent people from sweating out cancer-causing toxins out through our lymph nodes, so toxins build up in breast tissue.

  5. Men are less likely to get breast cancer since antiperspirant gets caught in their underarm hair and is not absorbed by their skin.

Do any of these statements seem feasible to you? Guess what?! The American Cancer Society says "all of these claims are largely untrue" and publish studies prove it. Click over to the ACS site for the full explanations.

As Beauty Brains points out, there's a lot of false information out there on the interweb, so be sure to check the source before you accept it as gospel.

Have a potential beauty myth you want debunked? Leave your questions in the comments and we'll try to get them answered!

Related links:
Shine Beauty Gurus review: Secret Clinical Strength Waterproof deodorant
Debunking five common beauty myths
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