Daily BeautyScopes - Monday August 18, 2008

"So many Moons ago, in this very month, one of my favorite and the very best movies of ALL time premiered -- The Wizard of Oz. In this movie, the young heroine, Dorothy, sometimes feeling stifled and stagnant at home, longs to get out and explore all the opportunities that come from traveling the world. Dorothy eventually comes to learn that there truly is 'no place like home' but not without having some sweet and other times terrifying encounters along the way. At one time or another each one of us has wanted to get away from our own backyard in the hopes of finding our heart's desires. The next time you have a yen to visit Japan or anywhere else for that matter, and you don't want to encounter any flying monkeys along the way, be sure to trigger or activate the energies of the 'Travel' area inside your house. Figure out where you want to go and find a picture or a symbol of that place. Put this picture into that 'Travel' space and every time you pass by it, visualize taking this trip with your two best travel buddies, ease and grace. Soon enough you too can be clicking your heels together while walking onto foreign shores!"

By Ellen Whitehurst for

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