Beauty Solutions For Under Eye Bags

Under eye bags is the condition wherein the skin below the eyes puffs or swells.

It can have different causes, like poor sleeping habits, allergies, changes in weather, the food you eat, hormone levels, or heredity. Although under eye bags are not usually a sign of serious medical conditions, many people feel self-conscious because of big and/or dark under eye bags. Here are a few ways to get rid of under eye bags and return the beauty to your eyes:

1. Apply cold compress on the skin around and below your eyes. Do this by dipping a clean wash cloth into cool water. Apply mild pressure on the skin for a few minutes.

2. Most people have them due to their bad sleeping habits. It is important that you get enough sleep every day. Try to get six to eight hours of sleep. Make sure that your head is elevated whenever you are sleeping to prevent the buildup of fluid under your eyes. Add an extra pillow under your head.

3. Under eye bags can be caused by irritation or allergies. If you notice the area below your eyes puff or swell while suffering from allergies, take an over the counter antihistamine, or a medicine your doctor prescribes for you. Identify your allergy triggers and avoid them as much as you can.

4. You might think about getting skin treatment if you are overly conscious about your condition. There are treatments such as laser resurfacing or chemical peels, and these can help tighten the skin around your eyes and other parts of your face. This can also help with the discoloration under the eye.

5. If you think your under eye bags are a result of hereditary fat pads, you can talk to a doctor to find out if you are eligible for a surgical procedure to extract the excess fat under the skin below your eyes. This can help fix the drooping of the skin. If your under eye bags are often accompanied by painful swelling, redness and/or itchiness that spreads out to the whole body, inform your doctor immediately


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