Does makeup actually make us beautiful?

There's a Belgian advertisement floating around the internet right now which depicts what seems like an average woman in a dowdy "before" and a glamorous "after" shot.
The makeover images are meant to sell eco-friendly cosmetics from a company called Biocorner--the ad's tagline reads: "No need to be ugly to save the planet."

The woman looks better in picture 2, though that's really not saying much. The female in the before photo is all bag lady'd out, and the after one has been (obviously) heavily Photoshopped.

I actually usually love a good makeover, but this advertisement gave me pause. It suggests that we need makeup to be beautiful, and that, without it, we are hideously ugly trolls. Though most every woman in my life wears some kind of gloss or blush or shadow or liner, I like to think of this as just part of our personal choices and preferences, not a societal mandate. But when I really examine it, I realize we see fewer and fewer "natural" women in this country and probably all over the world. I can't really remember the last time I witnessed a public figure (in entertainment or otherwise) who was not heavily dolled up. The youngest teenagers in movies now wear tons of crap on their faces, something I don't believe was prevalent when I was growing up. And even in the world of sports, our top girl athletes often become seriously coiffed beauty and fashion icons. It's weird.

So, here are my questions: Do you feel pretty without makeup? Do you wear it every day? Do you think you should have to?

My answers:
Not totally
