Even Celebs Bring Photos To The Salon

Any time we interview hairstylists, they recommend bringing in a photo of the cut or color you want, because a visual best conveys exactly what you're going for. That's why we found it kind of meta, not to mention hilarious, that Cameron Diaz was photographed clutching a photo of Kate Moss (who else?) as she strode into her Los Angeles salon. (The Daily Mail also ran some less-than-flattering pictures of her in the chair-come on, who looks good with foils on her head?) Anyway, apparently everybody needs a little inspiration, even A-list movie stars. Just, please, don't go overboard: According to a recent Guardian article, some ladies show up with whole mood boards, "...a potentially sophisticated piece of decoupage featuring up to 100 photos of models and celebrities." Um, that's just a bit much.

Related: How to get time with a top stylist.

Here's a tip to make the whole process waaaay less time consuming: If you're personally looking for some inspiration, check out our picks for "The Hottest Cuts," and tell us what copycat 'do you covet.

--Erin Flaherty

image via cameronfan.com

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