Getting Thru Winter with 5 Fashion Basics

I'm often complimented on my appearance. I love that-especially because praise for my style seems so odd to me. Because I really don't love fashion. My sister is a fashionista. She loves fashion shows in real life and on TV; she loves fashion magazines, fashion models, fashiony people walking down the street, and I think she thinks Anna Wintour might be God.

I, on the other hand, have no use for any of those things. I like to look good, but I pretty much wear the same clothes over and over. I 'm a Basics kinda gal. My close friends know this about me and forgive me. People who don't know me that well have no way of knowing that I've worn the same outfit (or a version of it) three times in the same week.

I've gotten through this winter with five basic pieces that are serving me well. Actually only two of them are winter-y. The others are good all the time. So here they are, in order from least to most interesting (to me, anyway):

• White Brooks Brothers no-iron button-down dress shirts. I have about 10 of them. They go with just about everything, tucked and untucked, with pearls, pretty colorful scarves, and fun costume jewelry. I wear them with jeans, slacks, leather pants, pencil skirts...but mostly jeans or leggings. Read more...