Men vs. Women: Who Finds Who Attractive?

Surprise! When it comes to rating attractiveness, men and women greatly differ in their assessments. A new study that appears in the June issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology showed that, when asked to rate images of people and report on what characteristics made them appealing, "There is much more consensus among men about whom they find attractive than there is among women."

But isn't love blind anyway?

In other words, guys tend to agree on what they think is hot, whereas for women, the matter is a bit more complicated. The study went down like this: before the participants judged the photographs for attractiveness, researchers rated the shots for how "seductive, confident, thin, sensitive, stylish, curvaceous (women), muscular (men), traditional, masculine/feminine, classy, well-groomed, or upbeat" each person looked. While men tended to react favorably to "thin," "confident", and seductive," women gravitated toward "thin" and muscular," then varied wildly in their assessments of overall attractiveness. The data may indicate biological differences in the way genders identify mates, but we're thinking the "thin," "confident", and seductive" look is v. Angelina, and "thin" and muscular" is so Brad-so really people, there are no crazy surprises here.

Embrace your looks, just don't tell anyone?!

-- Erin Flaherty

image via Patrick Demarchelier

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