Plastic Schmastic: What Your Reusable Bag Says About You

I'm a diva!
I'm a diva!

I'm NOT a Plastic Bag! I'm a Diva!
You're a starlet-in-the-making and you can't deny it. With a Starbucks Grande Skinny Half-Caf Mocha Frappuccino in hand and bangle bracelets rattling up to your elbow, you like to make a bold statement at the grocery store. Look at me, world! I'm making a difference! I'm, like, hot.

I'm hilarious!
I'm hilarious!

Plastic Schmastic, Oy Vey!
You're Jewish and you're hilarious. End of story.

Green & lovin' it
Green & lovin' it

I Am What I Do and I Do Plenty.
You heart the Earth and the Earth hearts you. You're the type of person that silently guilts your neighbors into using their recycle bin. So you snoop through their trash the night before trash day to make sure they've sorted correctly? So what! That's the responsible thing to do.

One responsible mommy here
One responsible mommy here

I Am Green Mommy, Hear Me Roar
You've done your homework and you found the Re-Run, a diaper bag made from recycled plastic bottle fabric. Your babies happily crawl around in Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers, drink from Siliskin glass baby bottles and chew on homemade organic teething biscuits. No time to chat, you're off to a baby & mommy yoga class!

I'm dangerous
I'm dangerous

Bee Green. I'm Clever.
You like homonyms. You quietly snicker at people who spell "there" when they actually mean "their." Your favorite book is a thesaurus. You don't necessarily live a green life, but you certainly encourage others to do so in a subtle, gentle way. Why? Because you're a leader. And possibly a "cereal" killer, just like MommyQ.