Should Perfume Be Banned At Work?

We learned that people are driven to distraction by their co-workers' beauty habits--the most common office complaints are beauty-related! So if that's the case, city employees in Detroit may have a lot less to complain about. Soon, placards asking employees to steer clear of "scented products, including...colognes, aftershave lotions, perfumes, deodorants, body/face lotions (and) the use of scented candles, perfume samples from magazines, spray or solid air fresheners..." will be posted in three city buildings.

Related: How Not To OD on Perfume

The action stems from a federal lawsuit by employee Susan McBride about her breathing sensitivity to chemical products. We suppose she took a healthier approach than the Swedish woman who was suspended from her job for allegedly grabbing a co-worker by her throat and threatening to kill her because her fragrance was so potent, but it all seems a bit extreme to us. What do you think? Is fragrance really off-putting enough to ban it-and all variations of it-from the work place?

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