Teen Heartthrobs: Then and Now

While visiting my family over the weekend, I spent some time with my mom and my youngest sister. One evening, we were watching TV and Justin Bieber came on the screen. I kid you not when I say my teenage sister went crazy over him and his ridiculous hair.

It reminded me of how when I was younger, I would daydream about meeting Justin Timberlake.I knew exactly what I'd say when that magical moment happened.I even kissed his poster every night before falling asleep. (Stop laughing--I know you had a poster youkissedeven if it wasn't JT.)As for my mom, she was obsessed with Paul McCartney when she was growing up, which explains her love of bowl cuts on men. Don't ask.

So just for fun, I did some digging to see what teen heartthrobs looked like over the years. My findings? They were all young, talented, and super hot. Guess not much has changed since the 1950's in the teen heartthrob department.

Click here to check out our gallery of the world's favorite teen heartthrobs. It includes celebrity icons from every decade -- from Elvis Presley in the '50s to Justin Bieber now (cue screams of teenage girls everywhere).

And help us out with our heartthrob smackdown. Who's hotter: The Beatles, The Backstreet Boys, or Justin Bieber? (None of the above? Leave your own picks below in the comments section.)

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