The Best Concealer Tips

I had to wake up at 4:15 yesterday morning to film a TV segment. Needless to say, I had some raging undereye circles. Lucky for me (and for the people watching my segment), makeup artist Angella Valentine was stocked up on concealer-and ready to share her application tips. A few things I hadn't heard before that work:

Mix a dab of primer with your concealer: You can use eye primer, but if you don't have any, face primer works just as well. (In fact, Valentine likes Smashbox Photo Finish, which is made for the face). This can do a lot of things:

1. For people whose sensitive skin is irritated by eye cream, the added primer helps moisturize the area in a gentle way.

2. For people who aren't irritated by eye creams but end up with caked-up concealer two minutes later, the primer is smoother (and less dense) than a cream and locks the concealer in place.

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3. The combination gives you full coverage without the heavy texture often accompanied by traditional full-coverage formulas.

If you have super-purple circles, choose a concealer one shade deeper than the rest of your skin. Since dark circles are, by nature, darker than the skin on your forehead and cheeks, a slightly darker cover-up color can actually look more natural. If you go with a shade that matches the rest of your face skin, your undereyes could appear too light-and bring attention you don't want to the area.

Try Benefit Erase Paste: Valentine loves the coverage this concealer gives, but says that "it's very pink. If your skin is more yellow, mix this with your regular facial concealer and then tap it under your eyes. Then mix a bit with your foundation to unify the look."

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