Vitamins That'll Make You Look Younger -- No, Really

My mom's words, "eat something green or orange" still resonate in my head when I open the fridge to make myself lunch. She used to say that to me on the regular -- especially when I was a malnourished college student enjoying carb orgies and beer, and not enough fruits and veggies. But the older I get, I feel more and more drawn to her adage. I've noticed that what I eat really does affect my looks (find out if your diet is making you look old) and that even the best anti-aging creams alone can't fight aging (see the 6 most overly-hyped products).

Case in point, I recently chatted with nutritionist, Joy Bauer (who I totally want to be when I grow up, BTW), and she enlightened me by sharing the vitamins that'll actually make you look younger. Incidentally, there are lots of green and orange things on her list.

Vitamin C

Anti-aging benefits: Despite Vitamin C's notoriety for boosting our immune systems, what you might not know is that it's also involved in collagen production and helps protect skin cells from sun damage, says Bauer.

Where it's found: Bell peppers (any color), broccoli, strawberries, guava and citrus fruits like pineapples, lemons, limes, oranges, etc.

Not into foods rich in Vitamin C? Check out the top 10 facial firming creams that might contain the star ingredient.

Vitamin E

Anti-aging benefits: Vitamin E acts as a cell membrane protectant -- it guards what comes in and what goes out of the skin. When combined with Vitamin C, it protects against UV damage.

Where it's found: Wheat germ (can be added to protein shakes, oatmeal, bread crumbs, muffins, yogurt), nuts and seeds (like sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds) and avocados.

Double your anti-aging pleasure by trying one of the 16 top-rated eye creams -- some of which contain Vitamin E.


Anti-aging benefits: Beta-carotene is crucial for skin health, says Bauer. It converts to Vitamin A, which is critically responsible for cell repair and growth.

Where it's found: (Hint: Orange and deep green produce) carrots, pumpkins, cantaloupe, Swiss chard, spinach, kale

See how many servings you need to get the youth-inducing boost.


Anti-aging benefits: While "fat" is typically a four-letter word in the dieting world, Omega-3 is a good fat. Healthy fats keep the skin lubricated, help maintain the integrity of the cell membrane, which keeps toxins out of the skin and may even help protect against sun damage, says Bauer.

Where it's found: Ground flax seeds, walnuts, low contaminate fatty fish (such as Wild Salmon, Atlantic Mackerel and sardines) and edamame

See what to do if you don't eat fish.


Anti-aging benefits: Studies have shown that polyphenols exhibit anti-cancer properties and may reduce the risk of sun-related cancers.

Where it's found: Green tea

See if your eye cream is a rip-off, then maybe drink another cup of tea.

See the rest of the anti-aging vitamins, plus get the recipe for her Beauty Blend.

• Wanna test your anti-aging knowledge? Take this quiz to separate the aging facts from fiction.

Get skin care secrets on how to take years off your face and body.

• Check out this total body anti-aging guide.

• Want in on a little beauty discount secret? See how to get great deals and exclusive offers on beauty products here.

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