11 Ways To Be Greener In Your Daily Life

At the end of the day, it is up to us all to start leading healthier lifestyles- for us and our planet! Kermit may have

said being green wasn't easy but it doesn't have to be hard! All it takes is introducing some changes and turning them into habits. From taking reusable grocery bags to unplugging electrical devices that aren't in use (even when they're off), simple routines can make a world of difference. Here we have compiled 11+ ways to make the world a greener place from your daily life!

Eat greener!

1.) Seek the local advantage. If you can get fresh local produce in your community you are doing yourself and the planet a world of good -- minimal transportation, minimal greenhouse gas emissions, minimal preservatives (and probably pesticides) and maximum flavor and nutrition.

2.) Eat your veggies…and fruit. Mom was right, and there is no denying it. To paraphrase healthy eating pioneer and Fit for Life author Harvey Diamond, those scientific discoveries of health enhancing nutrients are never found in pork chops. Arguably, a vegetarian diet ;is easier on the planet and the body, as long as you eat a balanced diet to get all the nutrients you need. Meat, dairy and grain production take more energy then they return and consume large tracts of land. Experiment by introducing more produce into your diet and try to go for a few days without meat.

3.) Cut out take-out. If you have to order it through a clown's mouth, eat it out of a waxed paper wrapper or wait thirty minutes before it's free, it is not a green food choice. The planet and your digestive tract will thank you for reducing or eliminating your fast-food consumption.

Continue reading 6 Steps To A Greener Diet!

Have an eco-friendly workout!

1.) Curb your consumerism. Buy less active wear, expensive running shoes, and/or fad, workout gizmos (that you know are NOT quick-fixes for proper exercise and diet). You'll leave a smaller carbon footprint and leave more money in your wallet too.

2.) Recycle your water/sports bottles. Buy a recyclable water bottle instead of plastic one-use water bottles. Recyclable water bottles will save you big bucks in the long run, as most designer waters are very expensive. Many individual 16-ounce designer waters that include minerals and vitamins are now over $2.00 a bottle. These outrageously overpriced waters are unnecessary, as you can obtain all your vitamins and minerals by eating a sensible diet along with taking a daily multivitamin. Did you know that according to the Container Recycling Institute only 23% of plastic bottles are recycled in the US? 38 billion plastic bottles go into landfills in the US each year. Plastic bottles take up to 1000 years to biodegrade. I recommend these two recyclable water bottle companies: www.MySigg.com and www.KleanKanteen.com.

3.) Use biodegradable body products. Buy biodegradable body wash and shampoo in bulk, which will save you money and decrease bottle use. Then, fill them into smaller, personal-use size reusable bottles. (Most major discount retailers sell biodegradable body wash and shampoo in bulk and oftentimes run brand-name specials.)

4.) Join a neighborhood gym that's within walking distance to where you work and/or live. You'll be supporting the local economy, saving car gas emissions, and costly parking fees.

5.) If the weather is fine, walk outside-it's free. Did you know that out of all motorized pieces of fitness equipment, treadmills use the most energy?

Continue reading Top 10 Tips For Frugally Green Workouts

Clean Green with these environmentally friendly alternatives!

1.) Baking Soda A commonly available mineral full of many cleaning attributes, baking soda is made from soda ash, and is slightly alkaline (its pH is around 8.1; 7 is neutral). It neutralizes acid-based odors in water and adsorbs odors from the air. Sprinkled on a damp sponge or cloth, baking soda can be used as a gentle non-abrasive cleanser for kitchen counter tops, sinks, bathtubs, ovens, and fiberglass. It will eliminate perspiration odors and even neutralize the smell of many chemicals if you add up to a cup per load to the laundry. It is a useful air freshener, and a fine carpet deodorizer.

2.) Washing Soda A chemical neighbor of baking soda, washing soda (sodium carbonate) is much more strongly alkaline, with a pH around 11. It releases no harmful fumes and is far safer than a commercial solvent formula, but you should wear gloves when using it because it is caustic. Washing soda cuts grease, cleans petroleum oil, removes wax or lipstick, and neutralizes odors in the same way that baking soda does. Don't use it on fiberglass, aluminum or waxed floors-unless you intend to remove the wax.

3.) White Vinegar and Lemon Juice White vinegar and lemon juice are acidic-they neutralize alkaline substances such as scale from hard water. They also kill mold, germs, and bacteria. Acids dissolve gummy buildup, eat away tarnish, and remove dirt from wood surfaces.

Continue reading Green Alternatives For Toxic Cleaning Products