Don't Do This on Earth Day!

What should you NOT do on Earth Day?

You've probably already seen hundreds of tips on what you should do - and maybe they're now a big mish-mash in your brain. Here are ten things you SHOULDN'T do.

1) Don't drive like a teenager, speeding up and slowing down and weaving in and out of traffic. Such aggressive driving can lower fuel efficiency by 33%. Accelerate gently and stay with the traffic to save gas and money.

2) Don't use cleansers and personal care products that contain triclosan or other antibacterial agents. Public health officials worry that antibacterials (in cleansers, window cleaners, and soaps are causing us to become resistant to antibiotics. Use simple soap (like Dr. Bronner's castile soap) and hot water for cleaning, and body soaps and lotions that do not say "antibacterial" or "fights germs" on the label.

3) Don't go shopping without a list! According to the U,S. Department of Agriculture, people waste about 30% of their household food budgets buying groceries that eventually expire and have to be thrown out. Know what you want to buy before you hit the store aisles - you'll buy less, buy more of what you're likely to use, and reduce the impact your shopping has on the planet. Then put your list on your refrigerator so you don't forget what's inside.

4) Don't leave the lights on when you leave the room. You could save as much as $100 a year in electricity costs by turning off a 100-watt lightbulb when you're not using the light.

5) Don't leave the computer on if you're going to be gone longer than two hours. Don't leave the monitor on if you're going to be gone longer than 20 minutes. If you plug your electronics into an energy-saving power strip, you can reduce the energy they use by as much as 40%.

6) Don't leave the water running when you brush your teeth. Turning off the tap when you brush your teeth can save up to 8 gallons of water a day, 240 gallons a month, saving hundreds of dollars on your water bill each year.

7) Don't buy "snack packs" that come wrapped in cardboard and plastic. Small individual packages use more energy and resources to manufacture and transfer, and are often twice as expensive as the same product sold in a larger bag or box.

8) Don't use so much shampoo, soap, lotion, make-up, gel and perfume. More than 25% of all women and one of every hundred men use at least fifteen products daily, according to a survey of 2300 men and women, exposing people to hundreds of chemicals during the course of a day. Can you reduce the number of products you use by at least three?

9) Don't buy anything new. Remember the 3 R's of eco-friendly living? They begin with "reduce" (the other two are "re-use" and "recycle"). If you need to shop, start with,, the neighbor's yard sale, or the community vintage or thrift store.

10) Don't sit at your computer all day. Get outdoors for at least an hour to remember why Mother Nature is worth protecting. Besides, if you've done all the other don'ts on this list, you deserve to take a break!

For more Earth Day ideas, visit the Big Green Purse blog and website.

And for green product reviews, health and safety information, money-saving suggestions and environmental success stories, get your own copy of Big Green Purse: Use Your Spending Power to Create a Cleaner, Greener World, today!