How to make an eco-friendly sandwich

We know that making food at home cuts down on excess packaging, but before we dove into best-selling sustainable food author Anna Lappé's new book, Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do About It, we wondered what else about our sandwich-making skills would impress her. Here, she sizes up our sammy.

Way to change it up. Sweet red beets are a good substitute for tomatoes, since they're likely still in season locally and don't have far to ship.
Also try the swap in: Citrus Beet Salad

Meat ups your ecological "foodprint," big-time: Meat production is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than all forms of transportation combined. Consider swapping in tempeh or hummus once in a while, or look for organic meats.
Also try the swap in: Hummus Shiitake Mashed Potatoes


When you can, choose organic vegetables, grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. New research shows that organic farms release less carbon dioxide into the air, too.
MORE: Learn what's in season with our Get Fresh! produce guide »

Choosing fresh-roasted birds helps you avoid preservatives and excess packaging. Plus, the meaty texture puts slimy cold cuts to shame.
Also try the swap in: Roasted Chicken and Vegetable Pitas

Another smart pick: Skip bagged bread and buy it fresh-baked, cutting out even more plastic and preservatives.
Also try the swap in: Turkey Meatloaf Sandwiches

Main Photography by Lucas Zarebinski

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