Nikola Tesla Secret - Get Free Electricity

Nikola Tesla, a genius who not only exceeded the age in which he lived and whose heart beat steadily for mankind.
Nikola Teslawas the visionary pioneer of this form of taking energy directly from the akasha. Therefore Nikola Tesla remains the free energy(electricity) parent. His dream was to supply the whole earth with free electricity (free-energy).

Tesla was probably the smartest man on earth, maybe even smarter than Einstein. Tesla initiated secret projects and fascinating
ideas thateven today seems unbelievable, but many of Tesla Secrets were later attributed to Thomas Edison.
Many people talk more and more often about Nikola Tesla secret about free electricity - free energy . Nikola Tesla Secret is available to all of us and after announcing that he could develop a system that uses natural energy (free and infinite) to generate and get free electricity, its investors have not supported him or his idea of getting free electricity for almost no cost .

Suppressed free Energy (free electricity device) is finally exposed, after 100 Years . You are about to discover how to Use free energy for your home with a device invented by the father of Electricity Nikola Tesla. "Free Electricity? But How Is This Possible?" Check out this video and Testimonials .

They knew that great ingenuity Tesla secret threatens the prosperity of electricity distribution companies and the free electricity concept was kept secret .
While watching this brilliant inventor that wanted to bring the highest benefit to mankind, the moguls were only concerned to provide expensive public services are get rich.
We know today that the famous Wardenclyffe Tower that Tesla built to get free electricity was demolished.
Today all Nikola Tesla Secrets are available in fantastic book that contain all the inventions of Nikola Tesla and all his secrets to get free electricity .

Also, the book that contains the fantastic inventions of Nikola Tesla there are also documents from the Supreme Court and the decision of demolition of free-energy tower built by Tesla.

Under what pretext was allowed to destroy the best hope of mankind?
Why does not remember history of Nikola Tesla as it deserves? What obscure interests would be threatened?