VIDEO: "Parks & Recreation" Star Nick Offerman Wants Men to Grow Beards to Save the Planet

He's funny, he's dry and he could be the most manly man on television. Nick Offerman just wrapped another amazing season of Parks & Recreation and now is ready to save the world. We caught up with TV's Ron Swanson (he was in a canoe, naturally) who's interested in saving the world one beard at a time. With the help of Budweiser's "Grow One, Save A Million" campaign, Offerman wants men to shave less often to save oodles of fresh water. The initiative is especially relevant as June 5 is World Environment Day.

Watch our exclusive CelebLove TV video with (newly blonde!) Offerman above and read our interview highlights below:

You just came off an epic season of Parks & Rec. What do you think has made the show so successful?
Absolutely, I think Greg Daniels, Michael Schur and Amy Poehler put together a really great family of performers, writers and crew and we just love getting together and making each other laugh day in and day out.

Tell us about the project you're working on, you have an amazing beard and you're trying to spread the word.
I've teamed with Budweiser for this "Grow One, Save A Million" campaign. We're encouraging men to grow a beard (that's the "Grow One" part) and you can go to Budweiser's Facebook page and click the "Grow One" tab and pledge to stop shaving. If we get together and stop shaving, we can save a million gallons of water for World Environment Day, June 5th, which was created by the UN to give us a greater understanding of the impact we have on the planet. Women can also pitch in, take shorter showers and you can turn off the water while brushing your teeth. A few gallons a day adds up quickly. Fresh water is not an infinite resource.

Do chicks dig a nice lumberjack beard?
It's been my experience that they respond in a positive way to whiskers of all kinds. To any ladies who don't like whiskers, give it a week and the bristles become less scratchy. After that point you have added virility and there's a nice nesting quality. Read More: Prefer Masculine Men? The Surprising Reason Why

Did your beard help you land your amazing wife Megan Mullally?
I suppose it had something to do with it. When I met her I was in a tool belt, constructing the set of a play we were doing together. My whiskers probably gave her a profound sense of my virility.

Women are welcome to stop shaving anything they'd like to. It's not going to hurt anyone's feelings. Ladies can also go to the Budweiser Facebook page and click Grow One and get their guys to stop shaving. Men and women alike can take a pledge to take shorter showers.

Do you recommend teaming up on showers?
That's a very good idea. Getting two or three bodies together in a shower situation will create heat and you'll have to use less hot water and that will save on other fossil fuels.

What's next for you?
I'm doing a couple of films this summer. A Diablo Cody film I'm excited about, working with Holly Hunter and Julianne Hough. I'm going fishing with my family in Minnesota. And I have a film coming out this fall called Someone Up There Likes Me that I'm really excited about.

You don't have to tell us twice to take a vacation from shaving. Let's hope Nick and Budweiser create some gorgeous beards and save some fresh water. We're looking forward to the next season of Parks & Rec and seeing as much of Nick Offerman as possible on the big screen.

To learn more about the "Grow One, Save A Million" campaign, click here.

Written by Tom Miller for

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