Are landlines going the way of dinosaurs?

I'm about to move, and among the 18 million things on my to-do list this week is figuring out what kind of home phone service to get. I happened to mention this to my techy, totally cell phone-addicted brother who was incredulous-"A home phone? Are you for real?"-and now I'm curious as to if the rest of you out there view landlines as things of the past.

I stand by my love of a landline, for many reasons: first, not having to worry about dropped calls the way I do with my mobile; having a reprieve from my nagging paranoia that talking on my cell phone may somehow be damaging to my health; knowing that in the event of an emergency, I've got an old-fashioned phone on standby; and because, bundled with my cable and internet packages, it hardly costs anything extra.

Coincidentally, just now on I saw that they were surveying their readers on the same issue, and most responded that they gave up their landlines in favor of cell phones ages ago. So, how about the rest of you: do you still have a home phone?