How do you use your magic eraser?

A friend tipped me off to the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser a couple years ago, swearing it was the most genius cleaning tool she'd ever encountered. Her endorsement was so convincing I ran out and bought one on the spot. I've been using mine regularly to remove any kind of wall scuffs, and it's worked brilliantly. Last weekend when I happened to be visiting another friend, I discovered a couple new uses for the product (I watched as she buffed the rubbery tip of her Converse sneakers with one, and then also used it to clean a pair of white flip-flops-neither of which I ever would have thought of), which prompted me to research the many ways they can be utilized in and around your home. Click on to see a list of 30 ideas to make the most of a Magic Eraser. I'm curious: How are you using yours?

1. Clean the interior of a cooler

2. Remove sticky residue peeling off stickers leaves behind

3. Clean light-colored suede

4. Take off scuff marks on baseboards

5. Clean exterior window sills (that have been sullied with leaves, dirt, etc)

6. Remove rust stains on countertops

7. Get rid of mold on plastic

8. Clean oven or grill racks

9. Get rid off coffee or tea stains inside a mug or thermos

10. Clean window screens

11. Remove stubborn, baked-on spots on cookware

12. Scrub outdoor upholstery

13. Clean refrigerator interior

14. Remove spots left behind by hangers or shoes in your closet

15. Get out stains in caulking near a sink/countertop

16. Cleaning grout

17. Remove nail polish stains

18. Shine bathroom faucets and fixtures

19. Get out crayon marks on walls

20. Cleaning hubcaps

21. Remove stains in glass or plastic pitchers

22. Take off scuffs in patio furniture

23. Bust hard water stains on kitchen sink

24. Get out soap scum in the bathtub

25. Dry and clean tarnished silverware

26. Shine linoleum floors

27. Remove grease stains on the stove

28. Cleaning dry erase boards

29. For cleaning aluminum siding

30. Cleaning white leather sneakers
