The best (and cheapest) step ladder ever

A step ladder, at least for me, always fell into the category of boring, utilitarian household items, and until very recently I don't think I'd ever given one much, if any, thought. In my new house, though, I quickly realized I'm just a bit too short to easily access the upper shelves of my closet and kitchen cabinets, and bought a little $10 plastic step ladder on a lark the other day that's completely changed my life.

There's so much to love about this thing. For starters, it's made of sturdy plastic that's dense enough so that you feel totally secure standing on it, yet is so light it hardly weighs anything at all, so it's not a burden at all to carry from room to room. It folds completely flat, and couldn't be simpler to open and close, and the overall dimensions are so lean and compact you can slide it in just about any crevice in a closet or cupboard. It gives you an extra 8.5 inches, so although that's not enough added height for me to use it for say, replacing a light bulb in the ceiling, the boost is plenty when it comes to reaching tall shelves, which is what I want a ladder for on a day-to-day basis anyway. Design-wise it's simple and modern (and those black polka dots you see on top are not only cute, but act as non-slip grips). And you can't beat the $9.99 price.