10 Health Benefits of Staying Connected

By Sarah Jio

In our hyper-connected world, we sometimes get disconnected-from human contact and touch. For instance, when's the last time you gave someone a hug, or got one in return? Can you remember the last time you called the women in your life and had a heart-to-heart chat? In our busy lives, keeping up relationships-and reaching out to the people we care about-can sometimes be a challenge. But connectedness is so important-and it's so good for your health. Here's why.

1. Giving a massage-and getting one-can have mega health benefits. What may seem like a splurge or a luxury is quite good for your health. And getting your husband to rub your back not only increases your connection as a couple, it could also boost your health in very real ways. Research has linked massage with stress and pain relief, blood pressure control, help with symptoms of depression and immunity boosting. "Massage can increase levels of oxytocin, which is also dubbed 'the cuddle hormone,' and serotonin, which positively affects emotions and thoughts," says Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD, MS, PT, a psychologist and physical therapist practicing in Wexford, Pennsylvania, and the author of A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness. "As a result, we feel closer to and better about those around us." Photo: Thinkstock

2. Going to a book club may increase your longevity. According to a new study from Brigham Young University, people who have close relationships with others and maintain regular social commitments have a 50 percent lower risk of death than those who live more isolated lives. What's more, the researchers found that "weak" social ties were more harmful to overall health than heavy smoking, not exercising and being obese. While book club isn't the only way to keep up with friends, it's a great way to get regular, quality time with friends. "Many researchers feel that social support and regular involvement in friendships and other aspects of the social support system is the most important determinate of physical and mental well-being for everyone from children to the elderly," says Joseph Cilona, PhD, a Manhattan-based psychologist. "Feeling valued and cared about by others can help us forget the negative aspects of our lives, and often results in a more optimistic outlook about our environment and life in general." Photo: Yellow Dog Productions/Getty

3. Facebook may be good for your happiness. Recent research from The University of California indicates that happiness seems to spread among people up to three degrees of separation from each other. For instance, you smile at the woman at the bakery, she puts a dollar in a street musician's cap and he later picks a flower for an elderly woman walking by, which makes her day. But does the same chain of happiness work online? The hypothesis seems to be "it's likely." The same researchers are now reportedly looking at social networks like Facebook to see whether they deliver similar happiness responses. "Social support, whether in person or not, is a critical variable of happiness," notes Dr. Lombardo. "Social networking lets you connect with people you might not normally get a chance to because of geography or timing. People's schedules can be so hectic, preventing getting together with friends as much as you might like; social networking allows you to offer and receive encouragement even if you have minimal 'free' time." Photo: Shutterstock

Protect your privacy while networking online by following these expert tips.

4. Happiness is contagious-share some with a neighbor. Something to smile about? Share it with a friend, say researchers. Having a happy friend or neighbor in close proximity (less than a mile away) is associated with a 25 percent increase in happiness, say researchers at the University of California San Diego and Harvard Medical School whose research was published in a recent issue of the British Medical Journal. Better yet? If your next-door neighbor is happy, you have a 34 percent increased chance of feeling happy yourself. Photo: Thinkstock

5. Hugs for health. You probably don't need an excuse to hug, or show affection to the people you love, but new research shows that stepping up the kisses and cuddles can go a long way in terms of health. According to new research published in the July issue of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the affection from a mother may have a lifelong impact on her baby. Researchers from Duke University Medical School followed 500 babies from infancy to their 30s. Those whose mothers laid on the love grew up to be adults who had lower levels of anxiety, distress and hostility compared with babies whose mothers showed less physical affection. "Science demonstrates that affection is a great way to experience more happiness yourself and share it with others," explains Dr. Lombardo. "Receiving and giving affection boosts health in measurable ways." Have trouble being affectionate with your loved one? "Try giving the people you love hugs-at least when you say hello and goodbye. If hugging is too big of a step, try gentle touch, such as placing a hand on the person's back or shoulder. A soothing rubbing of the back, even for a second or two, is another great way to show affection." Photo: Thinkstock

6. Texting: the ultimate mood booster. What can boost your mood as much as a phone call from an old friend? A text from an old friend! Although texting while driving obviously has negative health consequences, consider texts from friends instant messages of happiness. There may be a biochemical reason for this, explains Dr. Lombardo. "It has been suggested that positive mood, such as that caused by texting with your friends, can increase serotonin, which results in even better mood," she says. "Research shows that happiness does rub off on others. So if you are texting a friend who is happy, you can reap the benefits of her joy." Photo: Thinkstock

7. The magic of family dinner. When's the last time you gathered the brood around the table for a family meal? Research indicates that families who make a habit out of sitting around the dinner table together at least five days a week are a happier, closer-knit unit-and the children end up being less likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol as a result. Parents get in on the benefits, too, though. "Parents obviously benefit in having a significantly lower chance of facing challenges like those associated with drug and alcohol use by their children, and can generally feel much less stress associated with parenting and more aware and empowered," says Dr. Cilona. While researchers have debated about whether it's the meal that's so important or simply the act of carving out TV- and media-free time for meaningful interaction that makes the difference, most conclude that focused times of engagement as a family-whether at the dinner table or during game night-go a long way in the health and happiness department. Photo: Thinkstock

8. Why a cocktail with friends could be medicinal. Next time your friend from work asks you to go to happy hour with her, why not say yes? Sure, excessive alcohol intake has been linked to all kinds of health issues, but French researchers remind us of the power of just one drink. According to a recent study conducted by researchers at Hospital of Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, moderate alcohol drinkers (defined as those who have 1 to 3 servings of alcohol per day) reported better average health than non-drinkers. "Most of the research I am aware of indicates significant health benefits in consuming one to two alcoholic beverages per day for decreased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, peripheral artery disease and even Alzheimer's and the common cold," notes Dr. Cilona. While it's important to point out that most health experts routinely encourage women to limit their alcohol consumption to one drink per day, and to try not to consume alcohol every day, the researchers point out that the health benefits that study participants reported may have had less to do with the alcohol itself and more to do with the social lives of those who partake. Translation: Whether you've got a virgin margarita in your hand or the real thing, going out with friends and keeping an active social life may just be an important key to better health. Photo: Thinkstock

9. Why a team sport may improve fitness better than exercising solo. While all exercise is good exercise, researchers say that sports that connect you with others may provide more health benefits. For example, new research published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports reports that women who played team sports experience more health benefits-from increased muscle mass to better physical performance-and also stuck with the sport longer than those who preferred solo exercise regimens. "Team sports are great for your body and mind," says Dr. Lombardo. "People tend to push themselves harder and stick to their exercise when they have a scheduled time to work out, when their participation affects others and when they are spending time with people whom they like." Plus, she adds, "psychologically, working out with others makes the task more fun and meaningful. You feel as though you are part of something bigger than you, and you have the social support of those around you." Photo: Thinkstock

10. Church: It does a body good. Next time you're faced with the option of sleeping in or getting up for church, consider the latter. After reviewing past studies on the topic, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center found that churchgoers enjoyed an increased life expectancy (as much as an additional 3.1 years) than those who opted out. According to researchers, being part of a religious community-regardless of type or denomination-contributes to a greater sense of meaning and purpose in life, both markers for improved health and happiness. "Research shows that churchgoers have significantly lower levels of stress hormones and blood pressure, and lower rates of depression and anxiety," says Dr. Lombardo. "Being connected-with a higher power and with a church community-can give you a greater sense of meaning in life, which improves happiness and physical health." Photo: Thinkstock

Original article appeared on WomansDay.com.

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