10 Lessons from Celebrity Fit Club

By Lisa Arcella

10 Lessons from Celebrity Fit Club
10 Lessons from Celebrity Fit Club

This season on VH1's Celebrity Fit Club, life coach Rhonda Britten has the huge task of trying to motivate cast members, like Bobby Brown, Kevin Federline, Shar Jackson and former Baywatch babe Nicole Eggert, to lose weight. But it doesn't matter if you have a famous face or not, we all face the same dieting setbacks. "The most common mistake people make when they diet is beating themselves up after a slip," says Rhonda. "It happens; we are all human. Instead, pick up the pieces, renew the commitment and take another step forward." The bestselling author and founder of the Fearless Living Institute is currently touring the country offering advice for those hoping to shape up. The psychological steps to weight loss are just as important as the physical, she says. Here are her top weight-loss tips based on her experiences with the show.

1. Embrace Selfishness
Make a decision to feel better about your body and yourself. Then go for it! On Celebrity Fit Club, each celeb had to decide to put his or her weight loss above all else. To succeed, you do too.

2. Get the Facts
Studies show that drinking diet soda actually perpetuates weight gain. Keep a food journal so you recognize what you are eating-don't ignore the hard facts! Cookies are cookies, soda is soda.

3. Find Safety in Numbers
Surround yourself with those who have similar goals. Celebrity Fit Club is built around a team environment to help participants stay motivated. Find your team.

4. Buy a Piece of Goal Clothing
Find a new piece of clothing the size of your goal weight, something that will inspire you. Pick a thinner and hotter piece of clothing as a declaration of your readiness for a new beginning. Take a trip to the mall or borrow your younger, thinner sister's skinny jeans!

5. Confess
Uncover the truth about yourself. Behaviors, thoughts and attitudes don't change if the truth stays hidden. Each week on Celebrity Fit Club, the participants were pushed to reveal thoughts about themselves-feelings of being alone and scared without food or that their weight gain doesn't matter because they don't matter. Quit lying to yourself and unload your emotional baggage.

6. Scream
Take responsibility for your weight gain by belting it out LOUD. Get your anger out. Rational or not, it doesn't matter. Unexpressed anger can equate to excess weight gain. Screaming in a healthy way with support is an important release.

7. Don't Fool Yourself
Feelings drive actions. Lonely? Eat chocolate. Rejected? Watch TV. Once you show your true feelings, the physical weight will start to come off along with the emotional weight. Feel your emotions instead of acting on them.

8. Become a Neuroscientist
Wipe away rationale that gives you permission to do what you want because you feel like it. Logic is not necessarily more important than feelings, but you need to use both. Put your brain rather than your feelings in charge of your choices.

9. Grow Up
Face responsibility head on-eating bonbons for breakfast is your choice. Celebrities are just like you; they too are responsible for what they say and do. Own up to your actions and stop blaming others for your bonbons!

10. Accept Yourself
Empower yourself when setbacks occur. Take stock in the process and practice the art of patience. Participants on Celebrity Fit Club needed to build a relationship with their own selves before weight loss could happen. Then, a healthy relationship with their bodies could begin and stay with them for the rest of their lives.

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